National Liberal Party 2015 General Election Manifesto – Section 10 – Domestic Policy
THE MAIN THRUST of the National Liberal Party’s General Election campaign has been the promotion of both National and Political Self-Determination.
Our support for Political Self-Determination is very evident in this section of our manifesto. This is particularly so with our call for a referendum on the question of the decriminalisation of using some drugs. Readers should also check out our call for civil and religious liberties for all.
As always, the NLP wishes to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent. To let us know what you think of our ideas relating to Political Self-Determination, simply go to our Facebook page here and look out for this article – simply post your views in the comments section.
Domestic Policy

The NLP believes that the people should decide important issues of the day.
Official Statistics
• We will record self-identified national or regional identity in addition to official or “passport” nationality in government statistics.
National minorities from within foreign countries should be recorded as an additional statistic in the census and other government statistics, in addition to existing ‘similar’ sections (such as legal nationality, ethnic origin, and religious affiliation). This would allow, for example, the Kashmiri diaspora to be identified as distinct from the more general Indian immigration.
Build for Britain
• We will “Build for Britain”.
“Build for Britain” is a campaign to develop expertise in construction, which would then be a tradable asset when bidding for international construction contracts, strengthening the British economy at the same time as fixing the housing crisis.
Religious Slaughter of Animals
• The provenance and method of slaughter of all meat products must be clearly indicated, so that customers can make an informed choice.
We believe in animal rights – but at the same time we must respect the freedom to express religion in private.
Arts Council
• Reinstate arts council funding.
We believe that supporting all forms of the arts should be seen as a function of national government.
Recreational Drugs
• We will organise a referendum on the decriminalisation ofmarijuana and other class A & B drugs. Re-invest savings into education and rehabilitation but stiffer sentences for those who might continue to push drugs.
Some believe that the current ‘war against drugs’ has been lost. Therefore we will respect the outcome of the proposed referendum.
If some form of decriminalisation is voted for, the drugs in question should be taxed, subject to government control and thus criminal free. All savings should go towards drugs awareness campaigns and rehabilitation.
Equality and Human Rights
• We re-affirm our commitment to equality of opportunity andhuman rights. We stand by the 2010 Equality Act and the 1998 Human Rights Act.
We support civil and religious liberties for all. We believe in absolute free speech with very few exceptions to this rule – say for those who promote violence. Either we all have rights – or none of us has rights. We support civil and religious liberties for all.
Bank Holidays
• We propose to make St. Georges Day a bank holiday in England, and St. David’s Day a national holiday in Wales, just as St. Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland and St. Andrew’s Day in Scotland are bank holidays.
Britain has the fewest public holidays in Europe. The least we can do is officially celebrate the days relating to the Patron Saints of the British family of nations.
To obtain your FREE copy of the NLP Manifesto, simply click here:
Date: May 6, 2015
Categories: Party News