Saturday, 27 July 2024

London Mayoral elections


The National Council of the NLP is proposing to stand a Mayoral candidate in next year’s Greater London Assembly elections. Existing members are to be invited to put their names forward as prospective candidates. If there are two or more candidates, an election will be conducted where paid up members will choose between them, based upon one (wo)man one vote. Those members due for renewal will be given the opportunity to do within a short period of time. Details of the process will be supplied to all members in due course.

Are you a paid-up member? If you joined over a year ago you still have to renew if you wish to vote etc. If you join now you will be notified of the Mayoral election (and other party matters) and allowed to vote if by the 6th July. You can join/renew by going to It is only £10 (£5 if unwaged).

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