Saturday, 27 July 2024

Liberty & Nation Issue 3 – Help Spread The Word!
A SCOTTISH supporter of the National Liberal Party has made a generous donation towards the publication of issue 3 of Liberty & Nation. As regular readers will know Liberty & Nation (L&N) is the main voice of the National Liberal Party. It forms an important part in our expanding range of educational and outreach material.

L&N was launched in October 2012 and is designed to circulate all over the British Isles. The first two issues have been pdf copies only – and to get hold of FREE pdf copies of them simply e-mail

However, thanks to this latest donation, issue 3 will be available in both hard copy and pdf formats. As soon as it is produced it will be distributed door-to-door by NLP community activists.

Although details are still to be finalised, it’s anticipated that issue 3 will look at the constitutional crisis which has been provoked across the United Kingdom by the Scottish independence referendum.

Hopefully the NLP will be able to kick off 2015 with the distribution of at least 5000 copies of L&N. This is excellent news. It represents another important step forward for the NLPs strategy of building the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, information and entertainment.

However, we’d like do more to promote our ideas which oppose the old gang establishment parties and politicians. Will you help us? Either send a donation to help us print more copies of Liberty & Nation or help our front-line activists distribute this vital publication. Help us promote our message of hope!

Here’s how you can donate:

• Make a direct donation to our bank account: Bank of Scotland – National Liberal Party – 12-11-03 – 06186181

• Pay via our web-site:

• Send a cheque or Postal Order to NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4PX, England.

To volunteer with one of the NLPs community activist teams simply contact

Look out for further news about issue 3 of Liberty & Nation. In the meantime, click here to read about issue 1 of L&N and here for issue 2 of L&N

Also check out Liberty & Nation’s first e-poster
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