Saturday, 8 February 2025

Liberal Future: Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire & Flintshire Youth Say … Ignore The Establishment Media Narrative – BreXit Now!

“ONCE MORE let me remind you what fascism is. It need not wear a brown shirt or a green shirt – it may even wear a dress shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.”

Tommy Douglas (1904 – 1986), Premier of Saskatchewan and the leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party.

WELCOME to the latest in our series of Liberal Future BreXit Now! articles.   This one’s slightly different from the rest as it doesn’t look at the Brexit result itself.  Instead it examines the question of ‘narrative control’.

Eagle-eyed readers will know that our friends and comrades at Nations without States recently hosted a debate about US imperialism ––-nations-without-debate-4-–-how-do-we-stop-us-imperialism – which was based on an article by non-conformist and ‘rogue journalist’, Caitlin Johnstone.  Her article,  America’s Venezuela Strategy: Coup By SheerNarrative Control specifically looked at how the US Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) was meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, Venezuela.  To put it bluntly, they were trying to overthrow the democratically elected President – Nicolás Maduro Morosand promote their asset – Juan Guaidóvia a war of words.  Basically, they were working on the principle that if you repeat a lie so many times it eventually becomes the ‘truth’.

So what has this got to do with Brexit and the youth of Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire & Flintshire?

The simple answer is that the Remainer British establishment is trying to control the Brexit narrative in the same way the US establishment is trying to control the Venezuelan narrative.  And that’s by lying through their teeth!

So let’s look at the Brexit narrative in a little more detail.  There’s several strands to the Remainer strategy – but one of the main ones appears to be the attempt to ‘demonise’ those who voted for Brexit, and, in turn, the vote itself.

We’ve lost count of the number of times those who voted for Brexit have been described as being ‘populist’, ‘nazi’, ‘fascist’ or being from the  ‘extreme right-wing.’  In addition to this, those who voted for freedom are ‘racists’ and ‘little Englanders’ who spend their days dreaming of the long ‘lost days of the British Empire’.  In addition to this, Leave voters are violently opposed to LGBT folks and wish to curtail their rights to same-sex marriage and so on.

Given the fact that nearly 17.5 million people voted for independence from the EU, we think that these descriptions of Brexit supporters are – to say the very least – a wild generalisation!

Does anyone in Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire or Flintshire – or anywhere else in Wales for that matter – fit exactly into each of the above boxes?  In fact, here in Wales (which saw a massive 71.7% turnout) 854,572 people voted to leave the EU.  This represented 52.5% of the vote.  (Indeed, as this Buzz Feed News report notes it’s believed that around a third of Plaid Cymru voters backed leave.)

In an ideal world, these allegations relating to Brexit supporters are so wild that they would, to coin a phrase, simply be laughed out of court.  They’re not evidence-led and the establishment is trying to control the narrative using a combination of speculation, disdain and simple mischief making.  As we noted earlier, this is in order to ‘demonise’ those who voted for Brexit, and, in turn, the vote itself.

In short, the establishment believes that if you throw enough mud, some of it will stick.  In an era of widespread fake news and post-truth journalism, those of us who value truth and freedom have a duty to call these lies out.  We have a moral duty to answer their lies with our truth – no matter how hard that may be.  Unfortunately, many people these days don’t bother to do their own independent research – or they’re just happy to go with the flow – so they just absorb the establishment narrative.  Sadly, this particularly applies to our youth.

So let’s look in a little more detail at some of the wild claims being made about those who voted for Brexit.

As we noted earlier, one of the most consistent claims is that Brexit supporters are all effectively ‘populists’, ‘nazis’, ‘fascists’ or from the ‘extreme right-wing’.  Liberal Future notes that, when these words are slung around, the person who uses them makes absolutely no attempt to define what actually constitutes a ‘populist’, ‘nazi’, ‘facscist’ or someone from the ‘extreme right-wing’.  These are all tired, lazy stereotypes – indeed such descriptions have really lost all meaning and are simply used to smear people and also to avoid any meaningful political debate.  Neither is there any attempt to ‘grade’ viewpoints – for instance, at what point does someone cease to be politically ‘right-wing’ and suddenly becomes ‘extreme right-wing’?

We also feel that if anyone actually defined themselves as a ‘nazi’ or ‘fascist’, they would have voted in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union.  This is because both ideologies are based on both the centralisation of power and rule by diktat – and that’s what the EU is all about.
With the above in mind, Liberal Future ironically notes that it was Sir Oswald Mosley (the former leader of the British Union of Fascists & National Socialists) was one of the first people to campaign for a European Union after WWII.  This was made clear in his 1958 book Europe: Faith & Plan – which called for the ‘complete Union of Europe with European Government’.  Some of his (post war) Union Movement supporters still promote this idea via blogs – see here: and here:

It seems the establishment has conveniently overlooked this aspect of political history!  It’ also seems to have completely ignored the long line of socialists (of various hues) who have opposed the creation of a European Superstate, right from its earliest days.  They include the late Tony Benn, Bob Crowe and Peter Shore.  Frank Field, George Galloway, Kate Hoey, Dennis Skinner and Gisela Stuart are all from the left – and all support Brexit.  Even Jeremy Corbyn – until his mysterious and seemingly overnight ‘conversion’ – was opposed to the EU!

It also seems that – in this rush to demonise ‘extreme right-wing’ Brexit supporters – the Lexit campaign (‘Left Exit’ from the EU) has been airbrushed out of recent political history.  It’s a matter of public record that many British leftist groups support a position of independence from the EU.  They include, in no particular order, the Communist Party of Britain, the Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist, the Socialist Labour Party, the Socialist Party, the Socialist Workers Party and the organisation Trade Unions Against the EU.

The establishment narrative also seems to have forgotten that National Liberals, Social Democrats, Liberals, independents and other groups that don’t fit into the convenient ‘extreme right wing’ label also supported Brexit

Liberal Future concedes that those on the national capitalist right like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson received their fair share of publicity during the EU Referendum campaign.  However, it’s simply not true that the Brexit vote wholly represented an expression of the ‘extreme right-wing’.  Suffice to say, that opposition to the EU came from across the political divide and totally transcended the traditional left/right divide – and this is as true in Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire or Flintshire as it is anywhere else.

In future BreXit Now! articles we’ll examine – and unpick – more of this establishment narrative.  We’ll also look at ways that Liberal Future hopes to counteract the establishment mass media by building its own youth-orientated alternative mass media.

In the meantime, keep an eye out for the National Liberal Party’s results analysis of today’s EU election results.  Ironically, if we lived in a true democracy we wouldn’t have needed to hold this election as we’d be free of the EU by now!  That said, we’d be particularly interested to see how Plaid Cymru get on – as everyone knows, PC want us to remain in the EU, whilst the Welsh electorate doesn’t.  The NLP results analysis will appear on this web-site as well as on Facebook/National Liberals and Facebook/National Liberal Party and Twitter @NationalLiberal
• THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with the following:

Liberal Future: For A Europe Of Free Nations – BreXit Now!

Liberal Future: County Londonderry, County Antrim & County Down Youth Say … Independence From the EU – BreXit Now!…-independence-from-the-eu-–-brexit-now

Liberal Future: Anglesey, Brecknockshire, Caernarfonshire & Ceredigion Youth Say … Blood Over Gold – BreXit Now!…-blood-over-gold-–-brexit-now

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