Sunday, 9 February 2025

Let Us Stand for Smaller Nations

Our resident poet Jason has been busy of late. He recently addressed a widows conference in Parliament with one of his poems on the massacre of his Tamil kith n’ kin in Sri Lanka (2009) and is busy preparing for a launch of his book of poems, some of which have been featured on this site.
Despite it all he has produced a new poem – ‘Let us stand for Smaller Nations’ – in support of the NLP’s desire to stand in next years European elections on the slogan ‘Self-determination for all!’ by mobilising the numerous national Diasporas exiled in the UK. If you want to support this project please donate by going to and noting your reason.

Let Us Stand for Smaller Nations

The road to democracy
painted with blood of the brave:
rebels, radicals, poets, liberals, – all crave’
And put forth their lives for ascendancy
Of an ideal – freedom – which today we’re proud to proclaim.
Friends, the world yet to summon courage
To release the energy of smaller nations;
So they may exploit to the full, the suffrage
They’ve rightfully gained through valiant actions
Driven by dreams for freedom and liberty.
The practise of politics today a bewilderment,
As it often offends freedom to the discontent
Of smaller communities – who aspire to be free
And god, don’t they struggle, at costs many we
Would dare to dream ourselves involved in.
The birth of an order at the end of forties (UN) –
Legitimised enslavement of states wide and afar
To the gleeful permutations of larger nations;
Hence the struggle of smaller communities to steer
A struggle which we must give our voice to.
Giving voice to the aspiring smaller nations –
A cause worth standing for amid tribulations;
As our freedom was similarly paid for
By the blood of our forefathers – so
Let us raise our hands in unison to
Stand for ideals – liberty and freedom – we dearly love!
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