Tuesday, 22 October 2024

ISSUE 4 of Liberty & Nation is out now!

Issue 4 Of Liberty & Nation Out Now!

ISSUE 4 of Liberty & Nation – the Voice of the National Liberal Party – is out now!

This special issue looks at the threat to civil and religious liberties posed by the Tories.  It notes that “David Cameron has hinted that he’d like to dump the European Human Rights Act – EHRA. He’s been backed up by Home Secretary Theresa May, who is one of the more ‘hawkish’ members of the Tory cabinet.”
Both Cameron and May want to introduce what has been termed a ‘UK Bill of Rights.’  However, they’ve failed to give any real details about it.  Similarly, they both want to take on ‘extremists’ but haven’t defined ‘extremism’ or who is an ‘extremist.’
The NLP acknowledges that the EHRA isn’t perfect – but at least it defines Human Rights.  Indeed, the EHRA “ensures that the individual has some protection against the excesses of the State – no matter who they are or what they’re accused of.”
L&N is worried that the Tory ‘UK Bill of Rights’ will strip innocent people of British citizenship or be used – in the guise of fighting ‘extremism’ – to prevent people from exercising their inalienable right to free speech and assembly.  L&N notes that we should all have rights – or none of us should have rights!
So what would the National Liberal Party do?
First of all we have no problem with an additional ‘UK Bill of Rights.’  However it should be strictly in addition to any international standard, not instead of it.
Secondly, the NLP would introduce a formal Constitution and Bill of Rights.  This would be based on the concept of civil and religious liberties for all.  It would also “uphold the right for ordinary people to hold the State to account for abuse, mistreatment and negligence.”
Other measures like creating a Civil Liberties Watchdog Commission and stressing the importance of the Magna Carta are also discussed.
L&N feels that these measures “will set the standard for freedom lovers all over the world.”
In addition to the article examining the threat to democracy posed by the Tories, this brand new issue of Liberty & Nation looks at – appropriately – issue 1 of Free Speech. Produced by the Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? Facebook group, FS is “particularly interested in instances whereby elements of the State try to restrict freedom of speech and assembly.”
Another major article looks at different aspects of Self-Determination including National Self Determination“where decisions affecting the collective future of a nation are taken by ALL the people via referendum” – Political Self-Determination based on the “Swiss model of Direct Democracy” – and Economic Self-Determination – which seeks to “distribute ownership as widely as possible and as close to the individual as practical.”
All in all this is an issue of Liberty & Nation not to be missed!
Issue 4 of L&N is available in both pdf and hardcopy.  For details on how to obtain them simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com Do it today!
• FOR all your international, national, local news and debates check out the National Liberals facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/52739504313/?fref=nf It’s usually updated on an hourly basis so it’s best to visit on a regular basis!
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