Friday, 21 February 2025

Issue 3 of Liberty & Nation Calls For National Freedom & Social Justice!

Issue 3 of Liberty & Nation is out now!

ISSUE 3 of Liberty & Nation – the voice of the National Liberal Party – is out now!

And thanks to the generosity of a Scottish supporter it’s available both in the traditional pdf form as well as hard copy.  As such, it makes the perfect educational and outreach tool for the NLP.
Issues 1 and 2 of Liberty & NationL&N – have looked at Federalism and homelessness respectively.  However, issue 3 is more idealistic in tone and calls for “National Freedom and Social Justice!”
Pointing out the difference between the NLP and the ‘old gang’ politicians, it notes that “our politics go way beyond ‘left’ and ‘right’, capitalism, socialism, unionism and republicanism.”
It then highlights the four ideals of National Liberalism – Liberty, Democracy, Independence and Ecology.
Calling for Liberty it calls for “industry, land and property” to be “as widely distributed as possible.”  L&N also notes that local shops, small businesses, family farms and the self-employed will form the cornerstone of our future economy.
When talking about Democracy, the paper notes that questions of public importance (like “electoral reform, membership of the EU and immigration”) should be put before the electorate.  Here the people should decide.  L&N also calls for an English Parliament.
For Independence, issue 3 of the paper unequivocally states that there must be “national, political, economic and cultural Self-Determination for all.” Given David Cameron’s recent call for a ban on ‘extremism’ (see below) L&N specifically opposes “any form of ‘Big Brother’ state” and believes “that ‘Small is Beautiful!”
L&N talks about Ecology in terms of living “in harmony with nature” and not destroying it.  A return to the land is called for – as are ‘human scale’ cities.  It rejects the madness of ‘unlimited’ economic growth in favour of “a sustainable economy.”
L&N then asks questions of its readers – and provides a stirring rallying cry:
“Are you fed up with the ‘old gang’ politicians?  Are you fed up with the endless cycles of boom and Bust?  Are you fed up with the lunacy of poverty amongst plenty?
If so, why not do something about it?  Support and join the National Liberal Party.  Join our fight for National Freedom and Social Justice!”
• HELP US build the infrastructure of our alternative mass media of news, views and entertainment!  Get 25 copies of issue 3 of Liberty & Nation for only £3 including post and packing.  Distribute them to family, friends, neighbours and workmates.  Don’t just moan about the politicians – take action and help us promote our message!
You can get hold of your copies of L&N by following this link and clicking on the Donate button. Then e-mail and say that your donation is for 25 copies of issue 3 of Liberty & Nation – the National Freedom & Social Justice issue. We’ll get them out to you as soon as possible.
You can also donate by sending a cheque (made payable to the NLP) to NLP, c/o PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PY.  Don’t forget to say that your donation is for 25 copies of issue 3 of Liberty & Nation – the National Freedom & Social Justice issue. Again, we’ll get them out to you as soon as possible.
To get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 3 of Liberty & Nation, simply e-mail and ask for it to be sent to you as soon as possible!
• THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY urgently requires funds to produce issue 4 of Liberty & Nation. To read why this is so important click here:
Since his election victory earlier this month, David Cameron appears to think that he can ride roughshod over our traditional rights and freedoms.  He should remember that hundreds of thousands of people have fought – and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice – to defend the concept of free speech and civil and religious liberties for all.
Help us put a spanner in his works!  We need to alert as many people as possible to take action against his anti-democratic attack on free speech and freedom of assembly.
Donate today!

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