Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Issue 2 of Liberty & Nation Looks At Britain’s Housing Crisis
ISSUE 2 of Liberty & Nation – the Voice of the National Liberal Party – has just been produced.  It looks at the subject of homelessness, which it describes as a ‘National Disgrace!’

L&N believes that Homelessness is a classic case of ‘poverty amongst plenty’.  Here a very small minority of the population is able to ‘lord it up’ over the vast majority.” It also blames Cameron and Clegg’s twisted austerity agenda for the sight of people who – for whatever reason – are sleeping rough every night.

It believes that homelessness is a complex question and that causes (and not just the symptoms) need to be sorted out.  However, in the short-term L&N advocates emergency action:

“Small but effective council teams with wide-ranging powers should be appointed in local authority areas.  Working in conjunction with housing charities, they should open up various empty buildings.  Local tradesmen would then be employed to make them habitable.  To finance this, the banks should issue credit on a debt-free basis.”

A future issue of L&N will take another look at homelessness and Britain’s attendant housing crisis.  In the meantime, it believes that its practical short-term solution is simple and effective and CAN be done!

To get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 2 of Liberty & Nation simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com
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