Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Issue 1 of English Voice says: Devo-Max for the English!

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has just produced issue 1 of English Voice.

This first issue argues that the Westminster establishment systematically discriminates against England and the English people. There are three main areas of discrimination:

Firstly, every other nation in Britain has some form of self-government. The Scottish Parliament sits at Holyrood, Ulster has Stormont and the Welsh have the National Assembly for Wales. As English Voice notes, the only people who don’t have a say in the running of their own country are the English!”

Secondly, the English are also discriminated against in Westminster itself via the West Lothian Question. This means that Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs at Westminster can vote on policies that only affect England. Yet English MPs can’t vote on policies that have been devolved to local level in Scotland, Ulster and Wales.

Thirdly, the Barnett Formula (the mechanism used by Her Majesty’s Treasury to adjust automatically the amounts of public expenditure allocated throughout the UK) ensures that England gets a raw deal when it comes to the money spent on public services.

To ensure fair play for all, English Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in England – advocates Devo-Max for the English!

Describing Devo-Max as a form of ‘unity through diversity’ the publication note that “the English will be able to establish a parliament and government for England. This will have the power to raise and spend its own money.”

Under the NLPs plans, Westminster will only look after ‘UK wide’ services like defence and foreign affairs. It also means that Britain can be transformed into a federation of free and equal nations.

Find out more about the NLPs radical and innovative call for Devo-Max! To get hold of issue 1 now, simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com and ask for your FREE pdf copy of English Voice.

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