Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Isle of Wight Voice – Coming Soon!

EARLIER this month, we noted that issue 1 of the Isle of Wight Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party on the Isle of Wight – would be out fairly soon. The NLP is happy to announce that it should be out towards the very end of March.

The Isle of Wight Voice will look at the various social and economic problems faced by Islanders. It consists of an interview with Glen Maney – the National Secretary of the National Liberal Party – who accuses the Con-Dem Government of not doing enough.

The Isle of Wight Voice is the first in a planned series of agitprop publications that the NLP will produce. This series will also include our national paper – provisionally entitled Liberty and Nation.
These publications represent the start of a project by the National Liberal party to build a national, regional and local media. They will initially appear in electronic form – and then possibly in ‘traditional’ printed form.

We intend to build a media that will appeal to all sections of British society. Our media will be targeted at various levels so as to appeal to those who’d normally read the Sun, Star or Mirror right through to those who read in-depth and thoughtful publications like the Times and Telegraph.

Why not pre-order your copy of the Isle of Wight Voice? Simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com and ask to be sent a FREE pdf copy of the Isle of Wight Voice as soon as it’s published!

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