Friday, 26 July 2024

Introducing NEW HORIZON
In recent days, the historian Eric Hobsbawn said that the Arab Spring reminded him of the 1848 Revolutions in Europe (which were largely inspired by National Liberals). As the ‘developing’ world looks around for an alternative to their oppressive regimes and the West suffers from the debt fallout of ‘neo-liberal’ economics, we are beginning to see the green-shoots of national liberalism reappear. Individuals from around Europe and further afield in Africa are expressing an interest in the ideology of national liberalism and the answers it can offer them as a way out of the mess their politicians/regimes have created. We hope to gave a voice next year to some of them. In the meantime, we are publishing our first issue of our new ‘ideological’ magazine – The New Horizon. We hope this will inspire our growing band of adherents to take that first step of translating ideas into action!

Please click on poster to download the first issue

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