IT’S probably fair to say that Distributism is one of the main influences on National Liberal economic thought. Distributism itself has been accurately described as the “widespread private ownership of housing and control of industry through owner-operated small businesses and worker-controlled co-operatives.”
With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why the NLP is such a passionate supporter of local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.
Regular vistors to this site will know this – for we’ve recently been heavily promoting local shopping in London. This is just one part of our campaign to support Upkar Singh Rai, the NLPs prospective candidate for 2016 London Mayor.
However, it’s not just in London that we want to support local shops, small businesses and the self-employed. We promote this idea throughout the whole of Britain. For instance, the latest in our line of local shopping e-posters relates to Wessex.
“Wessex, one of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, whose ruling dynasty eventually became kings of the whole country. In its permanent nucleus, its land approximated that of the modern counties of Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset. At times its land extended north of the River Thames, and it eventually expanded westward to cover Devon and Cornwall. The name Wessex is an elision of the Old English form of ‘West Saxon.’”
Those National Liberals who want to find out more about Wessex should check out the following sites:
CHECK OUT our previous Shop Local! e-posters, all of which promote localism – a preference for local smaller shops and a move away from the multinationals:
CHECK OUT all of our previous Upkar’s London/Shop Local! e-posters here: