Saturday, 8 February 2025

Gaza to Mount Sinjar
The humanitarian disasters that have befallen the Middle East of late, namely the religious persecutions of non-Muslim minorities in Iraq and the ‘siege’ of Gaza, have both a human and political dimension. Human, in that the vast majority of those suffering are innocent and passive citizens caught up in other people’s agendas and political, in that the disasters are a consequence of, if not an aim of, the perpetrators, whether it be the Sunni fundamentalist ISIS or the Israeli army.
Being a political organisation we cannot sit idly by without comment or action for these disasters are rooted in politics e.g. the problem of extreme religious fervour (presently amongst the Muslim faith) exacerbated by Western political intervention and the failure of the world, in particular the US, to force the Israeli’s and Palestinians to embrace the ‘Two-state’ solution. Therefore, our self-determinist pressure group Nations without States will be supporting a conference on the plight of the Yazidi Kurds this Sunday.
In the meantime our resident Poet Jason Jesuthasan reflects upon the present disasters……………..
Gaza to Mount Sinjar
Oh the mother of all grief,
What a curse to befall you often,
Burdened with endless strife,
Humanity on knees, sorrow laden;
Pitiless politics constant to unleash
Death, destruction and tearful fear;
Justice silent for terror to spread horror,
As the hills of Gaza to Mount Sinjar
Deafeningly echo the cries of infants,
Orphaned and tummies full of hunger,
Beg they and cry for justice from the mountains
Justice prisoner of power! But for what?
For scraps of war! Wailing and grief
Of death-ridden valleys deafening thought
Of just minds; before the dust settles on brief
Lull on fire, new frontiers open for killing
The innocent; Human dignity lies bleeding
On the ground while heads of empires,
Old and new mull over on blazing doom-fire;
All the while death prowls seeking new preys,
Cries of the living shake the vastness of skies,
Oh the mother of all grief, where do we bury this shame?
14 August 2014
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