Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – St. George’s Committee – Great Englishmen & Women – Emmeline Pankhurst
THE ST. GEORGE’S COMMITTEE – SGC – is first and foremost a cultural organisation.  It is an Anglo-centric movement that wishes to preserve, protect and promote English history, heritage, traditions, identity and culture.

The SGC believes that – sadly – that there’s still too much confusion between what is ‘English’ and what is ‘British’.  Combined with the tremendous and relentless ‘pulling power’ of US consumer culture, it is clear that the SGC has its work cut out.

The SGC – along with many other English Advocates – also seeks to challenge institutionalised Anglophobia.  This is where the establishment seems to portray any pride in England and the English in a wholly negative and derogatory manner.

With this in mind, the SGC has recently produced the first in a series of e-posters looking at ‘Great Englishmen & Women.’   The series hopes to both raise the general awareness of English folks of their ‘Englishness’ and provide specific information about the person depicted.

Thus the first e-poster – pictured right – looks at Emmeline Pankhurst (better known as Emily Pankhurst) and provides a potted history of her life.  It notes:

Emmeline ‘Emily’ Pankhurst was born in July 1858 in Moss Side, Manchester.  In 1903 she founded the Women’s Social and Political Union – WSPU – popularly known as the Suffragette movement.  The WSPU helped women win the right to vote in 1918 following a campaign civil disobedience.

Once this was achieved, Emmeline – along with her eldest daughter Christabel – founded the Women’s Party. It campaigned for equal marriage laws, equal pay for equal work and equal job opportunities for women.

In later life she was plagued by ill health.  This was brought on by years of touring, lectures, imprisonment and hunger strikes in her attempt to secure equal voting rights for women.  She died in June 1928 in Hampstead, London, and is buried in Brompton Cemetery, West London.

The St. George’s Committee has posted the e-poster up on its Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/stgeorgescommittee/ – and is asking fellow English Advocates who else should be included in this series of ‘Great Englishmen & Women.’
To date, names put forward include those from the arts, military, politics and royalty.  If you’re interested in  English history, heritage, traditions, identity and culture why not include your English greats?

The National Liberal Party understands that the SGC refers to someone as ‘Great’ in the same way as we regard some organisations and individuals as a ‘point of reference’. By this we mean that they have said some interesting things and provided many useful observations. Therefore, even if this first e-poster encourages just one person to take an interest in Emily Pankhurst’s life and works it would have been a worthwhile exercise.

•  AS AN ASIDE, the National Liberal Party understands that some of the wider Pankhurst family were involved in the Social Credit movement of CH Douglas. Can anyone confirm this and possibly provide any more information?
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