Saturday, 27 July 2024

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Issue 2 of Freedom Out Now

THE LATEST issue of Freedom – the street paper of Nations without States – is out now!

Issue 2 looks at the position of the Matebele people in Zimbabwe. It notes how they are treated as second class citizens and are discriminated against “in housing, welfare, education and jobs.” They’re discriminated against by the Shona-dominated government of “Mad Robert Mugabe.”

As well as discriminating against the Matebele, Mugabe’s troops have tried to wipe them out. As Freedom notes:

“From 1982 to 1987, Mugabe sent in his special troops who murdered between 10,000 – 40,000 people in Matabeleland.

These special troops were called the Fifth Brigade. They were made up of ruthless and sadistic Shona loyal to Mad Mugabe. And they were trained by Communist North Korean officers who were sent to Zimbabwe by the late Kim Il Sung.

The Fifth Brigade’s aim was to wipe out the entire Matebele people.

As well as attemted Genocide, they beat, raped and tortured as many Matebele as they could.”

Issue 2 of Freedom is available in pdf format only. To get hold of your FREE copy simply e-mail Nations without States:

We’d encourage everyone to send a copy of Freedom to as many friends, family, work mates and media outlets as possible. Let’s alert the world to the discrimination and acts of genocide directed against the Matebele by Mugabe’s government.

•  Also keep your eyes peeled for news about issue 2 of Nation, the Newsletter of Nations without States.  A new issue – which will be available in both hardcopy and pdf formats – will be avaialble soon.

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