What strategy and policies should greens promote in any election?
ENGLISH GREEN is not a political party. We are
a group that is interested in ecology and its relationship with all aspects of human activity. How we co-exist with the flora and fauna and how we conduct ourselves in an ecologically healthy manner and how we achieve a spiritual and material well-being are of particular interest.
We would also describe ourselves as a pressure group, in that we would seek to persuade all political parties to put green issues first.
Theoretically, there’s nothing to stop a pressure group like English Green from standing in any election. If this were ever to be the case (and obviously with the forthcoming General Election in mind) what would our strategy be?
Additionally, what would be the main thrust of our campaign – and why? We would suggest that, in no particular order, any genuine green election campaign would revolve around issues like the redistribution of land, localism, the treatment of animals, population and immigration, climate change and renewables
• CHECK out our previous English Green Debates here: