Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Issues 3 & 4 Of Freedom On Their Way!

NATIONS WITHOUT STATES is moving up a gear by producing two issues of Freedom at the same time!

As our artwork notes, issue 3 will look at the Canary Isles whilst issue 4 will focus on the Rif. Both will be produced in pdf format. They can be pre-ordered now simply by e-mailing Nations without States nationswstates@aol.co.uk or contacting Graham Williamson via the NwS Facebook page.

Sadly, both the Canary Isles and the Rif are victims of European colonialism and imperialism.

The Canaries sit in the Atlantic Ocean and are around 60 miles from the northwest coast of mainland Africa. Despite this, they are ruled by Spain – which is nearly 1,500 miles away!

This came about when the Kings of both Castile and Aragon (part of modern day Spain) decided to invade the Islands. Here the local population – known as ‘Canarians’ – were either ethnically cleansed or sold as slaves. And as Freedom will note:

“The rest were forced to adopt European customs and accept the invaders as masters.”

Today, the Spanish Establishment regards the Canary Isles as an ‘autonomous community’ – like Catalonia.

However, this ‘autonomy’ is a joke. Canarians have no control over their land, waters or air space. Over 30% of the population is unemployed and all money goes to Madrid in Spain.

Freedom believes that it is the right of those who live in the Canaries to determine their own future. And if that means that they want independence from Spain, so be it!

The Rif – which is an ancient Berber land in the North West of Africa – has also suffered the consequences of Spanish imperialism. Indeed, although it is totally occupied by Morocco, two cities (Ceuta and Melilla) are under Spanish control!

Years ago, Spain ruled the whole area. The Rif War followed, with a brief period of freedom when the Rif Republic (1921-1927) was established.

Although Morocco became independent in 1956, Riffians still remain opposed to foreign rule. And attempts to draw attention to the plight of the indigenous population have been met with brutal force. But as long as this discrimination and repression continues, opposition to the system will continue. For its part, Freedom notes:

“All the Riffian people want is their land back – a land to call their own. We don’t think that’s too much to ask for. That’s why we say Freedom for the Rif!”

Both papers are scheduled to come out towards end of this month so keep your eyes peeled for futher details in the not too distant future!

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