Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – National Liberal Trade Unionists – Love Freedom Hate Globalisation.


‘The ideology of globalisation represents the most emblematic ideological fulfilment of absolute capitalism.  It parades as positive the now realized ideal of capitalism without boundaries or limitations, concealing the muddle of contradictions that goes with it.  Globalisation is the flexible and postmodern form of imperialism: namely, the opposite of the reassuring irenic universalism of human rights displayed by politically correct thought.  In place of the reassuring word “globalisation”, one should rather use the neologism “globalitarism”, signalling how the capitalistice global spread coincides with worldwide totalitarianism that, without boundaries separating it from other realities, does not leave anything outside itself.’


Extract from Europe & Capitalism: Regaining The Future by Diego Fusaro


THE CONTINUING arguments over Brexit have brought into sharp focus the amount of goods and food that we import from the EU and further afield.  Indeed, according to the Office for National Statistics – https://www.ons.gov.uk/businessindustryandtrade/internationaltrade/articles/whodoestheuktradewith/2017-02-21 – in 2016 the UK imported £318.0 billion worth of goods from the EU.  (At the same time the UK imported £243.0 billion worth of goods from the rest of the world.)


As trade unionists, the NLTU – National Liberal Trade Unionists – support the concept of self-determination.  And, whilst we support free and fair trade, we would prefer to be as self-sufficient as possible.  In fact, we believe that it is absolute madness to be importing goods and/or food and drinks that we can produce ourselves.  (We also feel that the EUs idea of ‘interstate dependency’ is Orwellian in nature – we much prefer a policy of economic sustainability and self-reliance)


With all this in mind the NLTU has launched a social media-based Buy British poster campaign.  To date, around a dozen posters have been viralled out via the NLTU Facebook site – https://www.facebook.com/groups/277840098977231/ More will be added in due course.


At the heart of the campaign is the NLTU belief in economic self-determination and sovereignty.  We’ll be expanding on these ideas (in easy to read ‘bite-size’ articles) in the very near future.  However, the campaign can be summed up – as our above quote implies – in the slogan Love Freedom Hate Globalisation.


• DON’T FORGET to viral out our original e-posters via Social Media:


From The Liberty Wall – National Liberal Trade Unionists – For Self-Sufficiency, Sovereignty & Sustainability BUY BRITISH! http://nationalliberal.org/for-self-sufficiency-sovereignty-sustainability-buy-british


National Liberal Trade Unionists – Protect Our Economy BUY BRITISH! http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-–-national-liberal-trade-unionists-–-protect-our-economy-buy-british


From The Liberty Wall – National Liberal Trade Unionists – If You Were Ever To Buy British Now Is The Time! http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-–-national-liberal-trade-unionists-–-if-you-were-ever-to-buy-british-now-is-the-time


From The Liberty Wall – National Liberal Trade Unionists – National Liberal Trade Unionists Say – BUY BRITISH! http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-–-national-liberal-trade-unionists-–-national-liberal-trade-unionists-say-–-buy-british

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