Sunday, 8 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – English Green Debate (1) – How Do We Square The Circle?

Duke of Buccleuch is Britain's biggest landowner.

THREE YEARS ago the Daily Mail carried an article (see here: which looked at a report by Country Life Magazine.

The findings of Who Owns Britain?– thought to be based on the most extensive research since 1872 – were startling.

Amazingly, just 36,000 people – only 0.6 per cent of the population – own 50 per cent of Britain’s rural land.  Those who own massive swathes of land include the Duke of Buccleuch, Prince Charles, the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Northumberland.

These figures relate to Britain as a whole, but much of their land is in England.
English Green would like to reduce England’s reliance on imported goods – especially food.   Indeed, we would like to see England as self-sufficient as possible.   However, is this feasible when so much land is in private hands?
The question for English Green is how do we square this circle?
The debate will be held on the English Green facebook page

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