Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – 4WR Debate (1) – Who Should We Talk To – And Why?

Recent issues of 4WR. Who should we interview in issue 156?

FOURTH WORLD REVIEW (4WR) has a long and proven track record of speaking to a variety of anti-establishment groups and individuals. These have included both ‘controversial’ and mainstream groups and individuals. As we’re fairly libertarian in outlook we’ve no interest in the political labels of those we talk to or interview – in fact, 4WR feels that many of these political labels are largely outdated. Our view is that we’ll talk to anyone who has something interesting to say.

Indeed, in the last few issues of 4WR we’ve spoken to English eco-nationalist, Tim Bragg, Peter Challen of the Christian Council For Monetary Justice, the anti-EU activist, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Henry Law of the Land Value Taxation Campaign, prominent British libertarian, Sean Gabb, and Left-Libertarian Professor Hillel Steiner.

One of the main reasons for talking to so many different groups and individuals is that we hope to open a dialogue between all those opposed to gigantism in all spheres of human activity (and especially those opposed to Empires and Superstates, massive and unwieldy bureaucratic governments, trans-national corporations and the like.) Additionally, instead of talking at each other, various ‘dissidents’ should be talking to each other.

With this in mind, the Joint Editors of 4WR – Wayne John Sturgeon and Graham Williamson – have a list of ‘dissidents’ who they’d like to interview for (or feature in) future issues. However, they’re keen for 4WR readers to suggest who else should be considered – and debate why they should be featured.

The debate will be held on the Fourth World Review facebook page:


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