Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberaty Wall – Nations without States – Issue 2 Of Nation Out Now!

WE RECENTLY noted that a new issue of Nation – the Newsletter of Nations without States – was in the pipeline (1). Now the Organising Committee of NwS (Doris Jones, Jagdeesh Singh, Graham Williamson and Sockalingam Yogalingam) are happy to announce that issue 2 is now out.

One striking feature of this issue of Nation is its artwork. This prominently features a black flag, a symbol which NwS has previously used to represent those activists and innocent civilians who have been – and who still are being – killed, ‘disappeared’ or tortured by various oppressive regimes around the world. This artwork has been used as a mark of respect to both honour their memory and mourn their loss.

However, whilst it’s vitally important to remember those who have been killed (‘the fallen’) it’s up to those who are left (‘the free’) to continue the fight for self-determination for all of our nations.

In order to do this, it outlines four areas where NwS can build different forms of counter power. Here we want to create a parallel system that belongs to self-determinists and not our oppressors.

According to Nation, the four areas to be developed are:

“Build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news and entertainment. We’ve made a couple of small steps in the right direction here with the publication of Nation and our street paper Freedom, and the establishment of our Facebook site.

Build both a cultural and counter-cultural movement that’ll provide positive alternatives – especially for our youth – to globalism and modern consumer culture, which is designed to reduce everybody to the lowest common level by abolishing all inherited cultures and identities.

Build a social support network that can provide help, solidarity and humanitarian aid for our peoples both here and abroad.

Build a political movement that engages with various self-determinists with the aim of creating a whole new voting demographic.”

Now that this new issue of Nation is out, it’s vital to get it to as many activists as possible. If you belong to a self-determinist group (or are just an individual who desires some form of ‘Home Rule’ for your nation and your people) and wish to distribute Nation at your demonstrations, meetings or days of action, simply contact Graham Williamson via the NwS Facebook page or e-mail Nations without States: nationswstates@aol.co,uk

(1) http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-%e2%80%93-nations-without-states-%e2%80%93-issue-2-of-nation-on-its-way)
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