Saturday, 27 July 2024

Check Out Facebook/National Liberals
EAGLE-EYED visitors to the National Liberal Party’s web-site will have noticed a new addition to its Home Page. Just under the masthead we have a bar that used to provide five different messages for a total of five seconds each before it scrolled on to the next message. Now we have added a very important sixth message.

This new message includes a link to the National Liberal facebook page – – with the words For all the latest local, national and international news stories and debates, check out National Liberals on Facebook.

The reason for this is that Facebook is the medium almost exclusively used by National Liberal Party members and supporters to post up ordinary news items – and to comment on them. It’s also used to host many debates.

Our article Vote Social Media! 26/02/2014 noted the importance of Facebook (one of the most well-known forms of Social Media) when it noted that When Barack Obama became American President in 2008 it was said that he was the first politician to use Social Media to achieve major success in a political campaign” and that “Social Media has also revolutionised the face of the marketing industry. Facebook and Twitter have become the number one marketing tool for companies worldwide, and it’s free to use!”

Given the importance of Facebook, we’d encourage all of our readers to check out the following:

• English Green –

• Fourth World Review –

• National Liberal Party –

• National Liberal Trade Unionists –

• National Liberals –

• Nations without States –

St. George’s Committee –

• Total Democracy –

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