Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Caledonian Voice Says … Forget Vampires – The Banks Are The Real Bloodsuckers!
CALEDONIAN VOICE – The Voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland – has produced its second e-poster.  As can be seen, its gritty and stark message is a ‘no holds barred’ attack on the current banking system.

At the moment private banks create new money whenever they make loans.  Indeed, 97% of the money in the economy today is created by banks, whilst just 3% is created by the government.

Banks effectively ‘create’ this money out of thin air as an interest-bearing debt owed to themselves.  This is why the banks make huge profits and your personal debt skyrockets! Caledonian VoiceCV – feels that this system is immoral and unjust.  Others go further and feel that it’s akin to a criminal enterprise!

With all this in mind, we feel that Caledonian Voice’s use of the term “Bloodsuckers!” to describe the banks is pretty apt.

In contrast to all this, CV believes that the right to create money should be taken away from private banks.  Instead, the creation of money should be a public service, under public control for the public good.

This idea was recently echoed in the NLPs General Election Manifesto which noted:

“Britain’s current debt-based banking system is immoral. Here private banks just create ‘credit’ out of nothing and then charges interest on this. Thus customers pay much more back to the bank than they borrow from them. A sustainable and healthy economy can only be achieved by a stable interest-free money supply. A national bank will spend – and not lend – money directly into the economy. This will ensure that Britain’s broken infrastructure – hospitals, schools, sports facilities etc. – can be fixed.”

The National Liberal Party would ask all of its members and supporters to viral this CV e-poster out via Social Media.  ‘Like and Share’ it on Facebook and retweet it via Twitter.

It’s vital that people are made aware of the immoral nature of the current banking system – and the need for radical reform.  Without such reform, everyone will become in debt to the banks.  As Self-Determinists, we want a nation of free men and women – not a nation of slaves!

•  Check out the first e-posater produced by Caledonian Voice here: http://nationalliberal.org/caledonian-voice-says-keep-scotland-out-of-foreign-wars

•  Check out issue 1 of Caledonian Voice here: http://nationalliberal.org/caledonian-voice-getting-the-message-out-in-scotland

•  Check out issue 2 of Caledonian Voice here: http://nationalliberal.org/for-a-free-scotland-in-a-free-europe
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