Sunday, 9 February 2025

Building Our Media Infrastructure

The National Liberal Party is building the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, information and entertainment.

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has several key strategies relating to its future political growth and success.

One of these strategies is to build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, information and entertainment.

Although the NLP is still very much in the early stages of building its infrastructure, we’ve enjoyed some success here – particularly in the field of educational and outreach material. For instance we’ve established several different forms of publications that we publish. All are aimed at different sections of the general public.

In the future we aim to produce many more publications on a regular basis. Allied to these will be a host of social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so on) which will help us build supporting communities around these publications.

Probably the most important publications are our local ones, Cuffley Courier and St. Andrews Voice. Both take the form of news and information sheets which are distributed free to local residents. The Cuffley Courier caters for the Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council (in Hertfordshire) whilst St. Andrews Voice circulates in a council ward in Havering, Essex.

The reason why local publications are so important is because they are local! As we’ve previously noted:

“This is because the vast majority of ordinary decent working folks have a ‘matter–of-fact’ attitude to politics (and especially local politics.) They are simply not interested in lofty concepts like National Freedom and Social Justice or Civil and Religious liberties for all.

Instead, they will support and vote for political parties who address local issues like bin collections, cracked paving stones, pot holes and the like.” (1)

We also produce two regional publications – the Isle of Wight Voice and Kent Voice – and two national publications – Caledonian Voice and English Voice. We hope to produce another national publication – Ulster Voice – in the not too distant future.

Liberty & Nation and New Horizon (the NLPs ideological magazine) are also in production. Indeed, we hope to have issue 3 (and our first hard copy) of Liberty & Nation out soon. (2)

In order to continue building our media infrastructure, we’ll soon be featuring – on this web-site – the lead articles from each of our publications. When they appear, we’d like all NLP members and supporters to help us bring these articels to an even wider audience by viralling them out via social media.

Although the articles will be dated to some extent, we’d appreciate any comments, observations or suggestions – good bad or indifferent. To submit your ideas simply look out for the relevant articles once they appear on the National Liberals facebook site and have your say in the comments section.

We intend to kick off this mini-series in a week or so – so keep your eyes peeled!



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