Saturday, 27 July 2024

Afghanistan – Bring the Troops back before Christmas


Supporters of the HBC campaign gathered around the Rainham Clock Tower & War Memorial, including local councillors Jeffery Tucker and Michael Deon Burton, on Wednesday 3/11 to demonstrate their support for the petition.

National Liberal Chairman David Durant has launched a borough-wide campaign in Havering to support British troops by bringing them home from Afghanistan.

A petition is being raised to PM Gordon Brown asking that since our troops are ill-equipped to fight in the region they should return home without delay.

Launching the ‘Home before Christmas’ (HBC) petition in Rainham David Durant said “It is clear our troops are not being properly equipped to fight this war and their lives should not be sacrificed to prop up a corrupt Government. It is National Liberal policy in principle not to intervene into other countries affairs still less to see our brave soldiers suffer daily losses in an ‘unwinnable’ and pointless war”.

He added “Politicians in previous conflicts have often promised to bring troops home for Christmas. Gordon Brown has the opportunity to do it for real!”.

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