Tuesday, 22 October 2024

A statement from the National Council

A statement from the National Council
From Graham Williamson


The nominations are in and the party is listed on the ballot paper in the London region as National Liberal Party – Self-determination for all!

There are over half a million self-determinists in Greater London – Sikh, Tamil, Kashmiri, Kurds, etc. This is a first time ever, election campaign focussing on the rights of these oppressed, unrecognised nations from around the world. No-one has previously stood for these specific ‘national’ causes. Indeed the establishment parties oppose self-determination primarily for fear of upsetting their trade deals and investments in ‘oppressor’ states like India and Sri Lanka.

These vested interests serve only the top elites at the British Govt end and in the foreign governments at the other end. The ordinary people – British, Indian, Tamil, Sikh, Kurd, Sri Lankan, Kashmiri – do not gain or benefit, in any way. We want the UK to adopt an ethical foreign policy that is not prepared to trade with countries that routinely and viciously abuse their civilians. Rather we want see the UK Government actively supporting small nations and minorities (Dalits, Shia Muslims, Christians, etc) that are struggling to be free and stop the human rights atrocities and persecution they are forced to endure under these various oppressive states.

The mainstream, establishment parties have NOT and will NOT do this willingly. They want to continue with their long-standing policies of opportunism, apathy and trade deals. The revived and renewed NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is an alternative force. We are a voice for a foreign policy which complies with international law, the UN Charter, and common principles of natural justice – human rights, equality of peoples, non-discrimination of women, self-determination, etc.

Our team of eight grassroot candidates are standing, not only to profile individual causes and the principle of self-determination, but to win and send a team of MEP(s) and researchers to Brussels to profile and progress the case for these disempowered nations and persecuted peoples.

When we embarked on this election campaign, the team of 8-candidates drawn from multiple communities (Kurdish, Tamil, South Azerbaijan, Sikh, North Borneo, English) nominated and agreed for me to be the lead candidate in this election. Upon reflection, as the election campaign has progressed and reached out to multiple communities, I actually believe that the lead candidate should, in this campaign, be a representative of a community that has and is suffering the most in their ‘homeland’. Although many think the English (my own community) get a raw deal constitutionally in the Union e.g. no Parliament, it pales in comparison to the hurt, oppression and violence suffered by others.

For this reason I am relinquishing the lead candidate’s position to my good friend and comrade Jagdeesh Singh whose community (the Sikh) is both the largest of self-determinist’s in London and one that has suffered a covered-up genocide in the Panjaab and India with the complicity of the UK Government. Realistically, as a new political force, we have a chance of electing two candidates in this vote on 22nd May 2014. However, if we only get one MEP, I nominate Jagdeesh to represent ALL SELF-DETERMINATION communities and more. I know from his track record, that he will speak for all without fear or favour.

From Jagdeesh Singh:

As part of the 8-candidate election team, I will be very happy to be primary, lead candidate. To be able to take forward the case of multiple nations in the European Parliament, will be a positive priviledge and historic opportunity. It will be extremely exciting as well as hard-work, to project the voices of the unheard in the European Parliament and positively press for self-determination for all, which is the basis for global justice and peace.

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