Sunday, 8 September 2024

Look Out For Issue 2 Of Kent Voice

Issue 1 of Kent Voice is still available. To get hold of your FREE pdf copy simply e-mail Issue 2 will be out in the very near future.

THE next issue of Kent Voice – the voice of the National Liberal Party in Kent – will look at the subject of immigration and censorship.

Kent Voice (KV) believes that many folks have genuine and legitimate fears concerning immigration. The Establishment labels these folks as ‘racists’ xenophobes or imperialists. This is a lie. For the main part, folks in Kent are ordinary decent working families who are genuinely patriotic, traditionalist and proud of their roots.
To ignore (or belittle) these concerns is dangerous in the extreme.  The National Liberal Party calls for a sane, rational and calm debate on migration.  This debate should be based on cold hard facts and figures – and not wild allegations that ‘immigration is the main cause of unemployment’ or that Kent’s youth are ‘too lazy to work’.
KV believes that to call someone a ‘racist’ just because they express concerns about immigration is insane. Indeed, KV holds that ‘racism’ is a word used by the middle-class to demonise the working-class.  It helps stifle legitimate debate concerning immigration.  In short it’s censorship.
Shutting down debate isn’t the way to deal with any form of dissent.  It’s extremely dangerous and stupid to ignore people.  This is particularly so of angry yet inarticulate young white males.
KV believes that the UK is effectively ‘a rich man’s club for powerful corporate big business and banking elites.  Their underlings – the politicians – are happy enough with the trappings of power.’ As such they have no real interest in the concerns of the vast majority of Britons.  However, it’s only right and proper that ordinary working families should have their say on immigration. In short Kent Voice believes that talking about immigration should not be subject to censorship.
• Issue 2 of Kent Voice is due out in early January. To pre-order, simply e-mail and ask that your FREE pdf copy be sent as soon as it’s produced! In the meantime, ask for a copy of issue 1 of Kent Voice which looks at animal cruelty.
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