Help The NLP Campaign For Civil & Religious Liberties For All!
He – together with Home Secretary Theresa May – now wants to introduce a ‘counter-terrorism’ bill which has the potential to curb the civil and religious liberties of anyone and everyone.
Our guess is that the Tories will claim that their bill is aimed at ‘Islamic extremists’ but will then be used to silence others.
Initially they’ll target ‘unpopular’ targets like Anjem Choudary, the radical Islamic preacher. Then, for both PR and PC reasons, they’ll target ‘right wing’ anti-Islamic groups. Once the precedent is set, the State will be able to go after any group or individual.
This is a very serious development. It could mean the beginning of end of democracy and free speech as we know it. On the 800th Anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, Cameron is set to do away with our inalienable rights – all in the name of fighting ‘extremism’!
(The Magna Carta was signed by King John on June 15th in 1215 at Runnymede in Surrey. It was the first official recognition that some of the King’s subjects had individual rights.)
If passed, new laws will allow police to limit the activities of anyone considered to be a “threat to the functioning of democracy” and out of step with “certain values”. Needless to say Cameron and May will be the one’s who make up the definitions.
Many groups and individuals are very worried about what Cameron and May plan next.
For instance, Jodie Ginsberg, Index on Censorship CEO has noted:
“While the exact wording of the law remains to be seen, it is unclear why new legislation is needed. Current laws on incitement to violence and hatred can already be applied to extremist individuals or groups. New laws risk simply stifling a far broader range of speech.”
The National Liberal Party agrees with this view. Will you help us fight back?
We want to produce a special issue of Liberty & Nation – the voice of the NLP – which will expose Cameron’s attack on free speech.
Help us raise the money to print several thousand copies which our front-line street activists will distribute on a door-to-door basis.
You can donate by following this link and clicking on the Donate button. Then e-mail and say that your donation is for Liberty & Nation.
You can also donate by sending a cheque (made payable to the NLP) to NLP, c/o PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PY, or you can make a pledge via
Help us tell Cameron – and May – not to fight extremism by throwing away our freedoms!
Date: May 15, 2015
Categories: Party News