Friday, 18 October 2024

Self-Determination Day Bulletin Issue 1 Out Now!

THE FIRST ISSUE of the National Liberal Party’s Self-Determination Day Bulletin is out now! We hope to produce it on a weekly basis for the duration of the European Election campaign.  It will provide activists and supporters with both news about our election campaign and details on how to promote the campaign via social media.

To get hold of your copy, simply e-mail and we’ll send it to you as soon as possible.  Future issues will be sent out as soon as they’re produced.

Although issue 1 has been out for a little time, you can still help promote our fight for freedom.  Here’s how:

DONATE! One million standardised leaflets will be delivered by the Royal Mail in early May.  We also hope to produce tens of thousands of customised leaflets, posters & adverts for the campaign.  But all of this takes money!

Remember, we’re fighting for Self-Determiantion For All Nations! Can you help with a donation?  If so pay into: Bank of Scotland – National Liberal Party – 12-11-03 – 06186181 or via or post to NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PX.

• VIRAL THIS MESSAGE OUT! The NLP kicked off its internet campaign on Easter Monday (April 21st) by viraling out a special Self-Determination Day is coming… message.

However, there’s still time for you to help out by creating a ‘second wave’ simply by placing this message on ALL your group walls, sent to ALL your SM friends, and all your relevant e-mail addresses:

Self-Determination Day is coming…………..

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