Friday, 18 October 2024

Issue 2 of the Isle of Wight Voice – for a workers’ MP on a workers’ wage!
EARLIER this month we announced that issue 2 of the Isle of Wight Voice would soon make an appearance. We’re glad to say that it’s now out and is available FREE from the National Liberal Party!

Like issue 1, this new issue takes the form of an interview with Glan Maney – the National Secretary of the National Liberal Party. Glen has extensive links on the island and hopes to return there to fight the next General Election on behalf of the NLP.

If elected, Glen says that he would remain close to the ordinary working people of the island and wouldn’t get ‘sucked in’ by the perks of the job:
“I promise that I will only take the average wage of a skilled worker. The rest of my parliamentary salary will go towards good causes that will benefit the people of the Isle of Wight. I would also only claim legitimate expenses, the rest again going to helping the island and its people.”
Glen believes that politicians earning way above the average wage are completely out of touch with ordinary working folks. “How can they understand the hopes and fears of someone living on benefits or the National Minimum Wage when they earn so much and live an all-expensespaid lifestyle?”
He says that it’s an absolute disgrace that – on top of their massive salary – politicians can legally claim expenses for second mortgages, food, household bills and so on. In contrast, Glen aims to be a workers’ MP on a workers’ wage!
To get hold of issue 2 of the Isle of Wight Voice, simply e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copy!

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