Saturday, 7 September 2024


dd poster
National Liberal candidate in the forthcoming St. Andrews Council by-election, David Durant, is calling upon local voters to treat the election as a Referendum on the campaign for a Village Green.

David Durant said “We have a Public Inquiry coming up soon and I want to send a clear message to the Inspectorate that local residents demand the green space in the junction of Abbs Cross Lane and Hornchurch Road is kept safe from over development by turning it into a Village Green. Voting for me on June 4th is the best way of sending the Inspector this message!”.

The NLP under David Durant’s leadership has raised thousands of letters and signatures calling upon the Havering Council to turn this space into a Village Green (which prevents it being build on in law). He put in a Planning Application and the Council are arranging a Public Inquiry for a decision. David Durant’s election as councillor will be submitted as evidence of popular feeling.

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