27th November – Salford Voice Says Happy Lancashire Day!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY believes that ‘Small is Beautiful’ and is therefore very interested in decentralising power down to the lowest possible common denominator. We are also ‘localists’ in that we support the local production and consumption of goods, local control of government, and promotion of local history, culture and identity.
With this in mind, Salford Voice – the voice of the National Liberal Party in Salford – wishes everyone a Happy Lancashire Day! Lancashire Day falls on the 27th November and marks the day in 1295 that the first Lancastrians were sent to Parliament.
Lancashire Day is a fairly recent addition to the cultural calendar – it was first held in 1996. However, as this link https://www.visitlancashire.com/whats-on/happy-lancashire-day shows, there seems to be a reasonable amount going on in the county to celebrate the day.
As with St. Cedd’s Day in Essex – http://nationalliberal.org/essex-voice-says-happy-st-cedd%e2%80%99s-day – the National Liberal Party and Salford Voice (SV) hopes that folks will celebrate Lancashire Day in style!
• WE HOPE to produce issue 1 of Salford Voice (SV) in the not too distant future. In the meantime, check out these SV E-Posters:
Salford Voice Says Shop Local
Salford Voice Says Support Local Entrepreneurs! https://www.facebook.com/NationalLiberalParty/photos/a.943601059012861.1073741825.160937907279184/1613799365326357/?type=3&theater
Salford Voice Says Shop Local This Autumn! https://www.facebook.com/NationalLiberalParty/photos/a.943601059012861.1073741825.160937907279184/1633904699982490/?type=3&theater
Don’t forget to ‘Like & Share’ them on Facebook and help viral them out by linking them to other forms of social media like Twitter.
Date: November 22, 2017
Categories: Party News