The NLPs new full-colour A5 Shop Local leaflet says that local shops are vital to the community.
The NLPs new full-colour A4 Shop Local poster.
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has launched the latest stage of its ‘Shop Local’ campaign. Timed to coincide with Easter (weekend of 18-21st April), our outreach material includes a new full-colour A4 poster and a double-sided full-colour A5 leaflet.
As can be seen, both the poster and leaflet feature our latest ‘Shop Local’ slogan: This Easter … Put Local Shops FIRST!
The NLP leaflet explains why local shops are under threat:
“High business rates, the recession, excessive red tape and the growth of out-of-town superstores have forced many local shops to close down.”
It goes on to note that small shops are absolutely vital to the local community. This is expecially so for if you are “elderly, young mothers and those without public or private transport.” Local shops also provide the setting for neighbours and friends to meet, thus providing the ‘glue’ which binds communities together.
Those who’d like to see their local shops survive – and prosper – can help our ‘Shop Local’ campaign by following these three simple steps:
1. E-mail and ask for FREE pdf copies of both our Put Local Shops FIRST! poster and leaflet. Print a few of each and distribute them around your area – and don’t forget to give your local shopkeeper a copy of both! Also, send on both pdfs to your friends, realtives and work colleagues and ask them to do the same.
2. Copy this article and put it on your Facebook page. Ask all of your Facebook friends to like and share it!
3. Copy the link to this article and put it on your Twitter account. Ask your followers to RT it.