
A KEY part of the National Liberal Party’s overall strategy is to build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, information and entertainment.
To date, the NLP has launced several national, regional and local publications. Some have been e-publications whilst others have been hard copies. These include Liberty & Nation, Caledonian Voice, English Voice, Cuffley, Courier, Kent Voice, the Isle of Wight Voice and St. Andrews Voice.
In time, we aim to add to these publications. We also hope to build a supporting infrastructure around each publication – including supporters and debating groups as well as Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Building such an infrastructure is slow and detailed work.
Another area of support for our publications is the production of regular e-posters. Such e-posters are known as visual sound bites. In this age of the ‘micro-second media’ they represent a very useful way of viralling our message out.
The latest NLP publication to produce its own e-poster is the Isle of Wight Voice – IoWV. Its e-poster is a ‘bread and butter’ one and campaigns in support of the NHS. The IoWV is concerned that the Tories (in particular) view the NHS as a mere business commodity, where ‘unprofitable’ sections are done away with – whilst the rest is sold off to the highest bidder.
The IoWV feels that such a move would be immoral and unjust. It feels that the NHS should be kept as a publicly funded, publicly delivered, and publicly accountable integrated healthcare system. Thus the IoWV is opposed to both the creeping privatisation of the NHS and the introduction of Private Finance Initiatives (PFI).
The NHS is not perfect – far from it – and the IoWV acknowledges this. However, any imperfections should be ironed out by management and staff. Privatisation and PFI are not the way forward. The health of folks living on the island should come first – not the profit margins of greedy capitalists!
• To get hold of your FREE pdf copies of issues 1 and 2 of the Isle of Wight Voice, simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com