Saturday, 27 July 2024

Tag » national liberal party


Vote ‘Self-determination for all!’

NLP candidates for the London Region of the European elections met last weekend to make their final preparations before launching their election campaign.
The slogan will be ‘Self-determination for all!’ to reflect their belief that, despite its international recognition, is resisted by all countries and establishment politicians. This might be a reluctance to offer referendums on EU membership, for the right of ‘nations without states’ to choose independence or autonomy, and even the poor old English to have a Parliament (like every other nation in the UK)!
All eight candidates therefore represent different national communities, all of whom seek self-determination. A draft manifesto was discussed as well as the contents of the election leaflet to be delivered across London.
The party list will be novel in a number of ways. It will be the first time that Diaspora’s from self-determinist communities have worked together in such a systematic and significant way, that members of the UK’s ethnic minorities are mobilising their communities electorally and that the principle itself is put to a vote.
If in London, why not help their campaign (e-mail Don’t just observe history help make it!

SOME WE WIN . . . .


THE National Liberal Party would like to congratulate Brent Cheetham, our party candidate for the Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council (in Hertfordshire) who has been elected unopposed.

Cllr. Brent Cheetham

As we noted in our recent article May Elections – Send Them A Message! Brent is very well-known in Cuffley. He has been a thorn in the Parish Council’s side for many years and is well-known for his hard-hitting, yet very witty, letters published in the local Mercury newspaper.

As well as contributing to the letters page of the Mercury, he also edits the Cuffley Courier. This is a news and information sheet which is distributed free to residents. It’s probably best known for using humour as a political weapon against Parish Councillors, who, according to Brent live in “ivory towers cushioned from reality as most of them seem to have retired some time ago.”

He is very scathing of those Councillors who “have done their best to cut off the man or woman on the street from being involved with the running of the parish. They have not only built a fence between them and us but a dirty great brick wall topped with broken glass barbed wire and watch towers. It’s a dead leadership obsessed with Victorian values of class and the pecking order. Even to ask a question at council meetings is as tantamount to challenging their view of the world as they know best as they tell us what is good for us.”

Brent is also Vice Chairman of Keep Cuffley Rural. According to its web-site – – it is a “SINGLE-ISSUE PRESSURE GROUP. We are totally NON-POLITICAL. We have one aim – we are opposed to the specific development of converting what was the Harvester into a Tesco Express store.”

Explaining their stand against multi-nationals, Keep Cuffley Rural claim that:

“Our villages’ mix of shops and services has served our local community well for many years and we do not want the tranquility of our village to change just to meet the sales growth target of any new multiple retailer. We hope you understand and like the name.”

We look forward with anticipation to Brent taking on what amounts to a Tory fiefdom. Now they have some real opposition for the first time in years!

‘The Patriotic conscience of Liberalism’ – National Liberal activists meet in London

Last weekend National Liberal activists met at a prestigious venue in Central London to discuss the way forward.

A full agenda discussed Ideology, Recruitment, Promotion, Literature, Policies and Campaigns. Delegates agreed that our first aim is to point out that there has always been a patriotic liberal tradition, represented by figures such as Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Roseberry and Sir John Simon. The NLP is here to breath life back into that tradition and to act as the ‘Patriotic conscience of Liberalism’. The meeting agreed to continue to highlight our anteceedents and to develop the National Liberal tradition. We would re-launch the Target 10 campaign and aim to target Liberal Democrat marginals highlighting those MP’s betrayal of Liberal and National values.

Recruitment was discussed. We should be appealling to a broad church of Liberals, Independents and the non-aligned. Greater effort would be put into Facebook promotion and reaching out to new sympathisers. More effort was required than before into turning supporters into actual members. The meeting agreed to producing ‘An Introduction to the National Liberal Party’ booklet and a leaflet focussing on just five key policies. A Policy Team and forum would ultimately look at policy in detail.

In the meantime delegates were urged to promote the National Liberal ‘Yes to AV’ campaign based on a ‘shake up the system’ theme. Our leaflet has recently been updated (copies can be obtained by sending £10 to NLP, PO BOX 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ or by going to the Resources section under the Party Organisation drop bar). Councillor (and National Secretary) David Durant said “We haven’t had any meaningful electoral reform of how we elect our MPs for 100 years. We need to shake up the system. AV is just the start!”.

Elections were discussed and hopes were expressed for our candidate in the forthcoming local elections in Cuffley, Hertfordshire. Finally delegates agreed to promote the concept of the campaigning and cross-party Peoples Alliance. The latter is designed to allow small centrist parties to organise and promote themselves more efectively via this co-operative body rather than alone. The meeting ended with delegates agreeing to meet again later in the year to discuss progress. Everyone came away enthused and confident that National Liberalism would begin to influence UK politics. Anyone wishing to get involved should get in touch via

People’s Alliance (UK) Press Release


The members of the new political campaigning group – The People’s Alliance (UK) – are launching their first public campaign on the 14th December.

The campaign entitled ‘CROSS YOUR FINGERS’ is calling upon the British electorate to vote YES to the forthcoming referendum (May 2011) on introducing the Alternative Vote (AV) at future Parliamentary elections.

Both of the two founding political parties – The National Liberal Party & the United People’s Party – would have preferred a vote on introducing genuine electoral reform such as Proportional Representation (PR) where all shades of opinion are represented in the Chamber. They say however that if the NO vote against any change wins, those supporting the present system (including the First Past the Post) will say “You’ve had your referendum, the matter is now settled for the next 100 years!” .

They are therefore calling upon the public to ‘cross their fingers’ and vote YES and hope this will lead onto further reform including the introduction of a form of PR.

A leaflet (bespoke versions by both parties) entitled ‘HavE YOUR SAY’ is being released on the day and will be distributed up to the vote.

The launch date of the 14th December has been chosen to coincide with the 1918 General Election which was based on the Representation of the People’s Act of that year that extended the vote to the majority of men and for the first time included (some) women. A YES vote will also result in voting reform.


Cllr. David Durant – National Secretary NLP & 07761976219

Cllr. Andrew Stott – Leader UPP

‘Members of the PA (UK) coalition (composed of Independent parties) are not surrendering their values or identities, but agree to promote common values in a spirit of co-operation. We are determined to put our best foot forward and work together for a cause that we all stand firmly in favour of.’

National Liberal Party (NLP)

The National Liberals are a (national) Liberal party in the UK that believes that the personal liberty of a nation’s citizens is paramount whilst accepting that this freedom is best preserved within the framework of a democratic nation state. A National Liberal therefore views democracy and patriotism as two sides of the same coin. They call this ‘National Liberalism’. It presently believes that personal liberties are under threat from a Big Brother state and Independence by interfering bureaucracies like the EU.

United Peoples Party (UPP)

The United People’s Party is a political party in the UK that works to combine the ideals of nationalism with those of equality and tolerance, fighting for the freedoms of the individual and promoting national unity. This is a party for all the people of Britain, regardless of faith, colour, sexuality, disability or origin. Together, united under one banner, we will change this country for the better.

Download the NLP version of the leaflet by clicking here

Book Review: Liberals in schism – A history of the National Liberal Party


Whilst the modern day National Liberal Party in the UK was only formed a few years ago there was an earlier version.

In 1930’s Britain the Parliamentary Liberal Party was divided over the measures they believed were required to govern a Britain rocked by a world depression. A minority had come to believe that protectionist measures, contrary to Liberal dogma in favour of Free Trade, were now necessary to save British workers jobs .

Bedevilled by personality clashes and disagreements over whether to support a Lib-Lab Coalition, a National Government or outright ‘independence’ these differences turned into a split. In 1931 a group of MPs under the leadership of Sir John Simon openly supported the formation of a National Government which vowed to introduce import tariffs. The Parliamentary Group called itself the Liberal Nationals (LN) to differentiate itself from the ‘Independent’ Liberals.


Although the group continued in some format or other until 1968 few political commentators recall their existence let alone discuss their relative importance. The book by David Dutton Liberals in schism is an attempt to rectify this gap in our knowledge.

Dutton himself explains this collective ‘memory loss’ to three factors; the history was written by their rivals (Liberal Party) victors that sought to minimise, ridicule and focus on the LNs eventual absorption by the Conservatives, their unwavering support for an ultimately discredited National Government and the personal unpopularity of their leader amongst other political figures.

Despite all this the LN’s were crucial to sustaining the ‘National’ identity of the Governments between 1931-40 (and delivered Liberal votes), forced the Conservatives to marginalise their right-wing and contributed to the almost catastrophic decline of the Liberal Party. Indeed the author maintains that it was by no means certain that the LN would not capture the heart of Liberalism and replace the Liberal Party as its premier voice.

LN leaders themselves certainly thought so as per the quote from Leslie Hore-Belisha (an LN Minister) in 1936 ‘That day may not be distant when the Liberal Nationals will be regarded as the true preservers of our tradition’. Of course they benefited by a first-past-the-post electoral system which meant that their smaller number of unopposed (by Conservatives) candidates had a greater chance of success than the opposed Liberal Party candidates. Before the Second World War this meant that they were usually the larger group of ‘Liberal’ MPs, invariably won out in rare Liberal-LN contests and in the early 1950s even obtained the most votes.


Ultimately though they were doomed by the loss of personnel due to the war and the greater fusion of ideas within both LN and Conservative parties. The latter realised that the LNs needed them more than the other way round and pounced upon the LNs at their weakest moment and persuaded them to form joint Constituency organisations under the Woolton-Teviot pact of 1947. This in turn meant the smaller LNs (or National Liberals as they became known) were absorbed by the larger Conservatives (as had occurred to the Liberal-Unionists some fifty years earlier).

The Liberal Nationals are interesting because they were prepared to support coalition politics and ditch dogma in the national interest. Some believed they were upholding an honourable tradition in Liberalism that was again in the ascendant. Hore-Belisha again ‘We shall have to fight and I think take the offensive for the soul of Liberalism, maintaining that we are in the Rosebery tradition*’

Others thought that since the Liberal Party seemed no longer capable of vying for power (becoming a much smaller ‘third’ party in a two-party system) they should attempt to influence others particularly the predominant Conservatives by working within Government. Lord Simon is quoted as saying that Liberals should not ‘deplore the spread of Liberalism which had now got into so many people’s blood that it had almost ceased to be the Liberals’ own particular strain’. In other words the idea e.g. personal liberty before the Party.

Of course the alternative explanation says they were motivated by personal interest ‘to save their parliamentary seats and prepared to sell their political souls to the Conservative devil in order to gain a finger-hold on the seat of power’.


Whatever the motives a number of them reflected a patriotic element within Liberalism who were attracted to the Liberal party by ‘political liberalism’ i.e. civil liberty and individual freedom i.e. independent of authority – self-employed, smallholder, home-owner. It expressed itself in different ways at different times e.g. amongst the 19th century Liberal-Unionists, ‘Rosebery
ites’ and not always in the Party e.g. 1930 Distributists. However by and large after the mid- nineteenth century It was increasingly marginalised and usually suppressed.

This book (ISBN: 9781845116675) is a valuable contribution to any study of that ‘alternative’ Liberal tradition – patriotic, ‘politically’ liberal, consensual and preference for the economically independent. Today we believe it can flourish best outside the Liberal (Democratic) Party via an alternative one, the National Liberals.

* Lord Rosebery, the last Liberal Prime Minister of the 19th century, was a Liberal ‘Imperialist’ whose aim was to turn Britain into a great property-owning democracy.


The National Liberal Party has criticised the Liberal Democrats for selling out on Proportional Representation (PR) and supporting Government cuts in all the ‘wrong places’. In particular they suggest that they could have got PR from a Lib-Lab coalition (or the Conservatives at the death) and could have avoided many of the pending cuts if they hadn’t agreed with the Government’s ‘ring-fencing’ of the International Aid and, in particular, Military Expenditure budgets.
They accuse the infamous ’20’ (the number of LD Ministers) of selling out their principles for a share of the ‘status’ of power without actually being able to deliver very much.
Go to the lead article on their new, updated and improving website at
Contact: Cllr. David Durant – NLP National Secretary – 0776 1976219
Address: PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ
Press Release (NLP08/10press) distributed by Accentuate – PR Company

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