Tuesday, 22 October 2024

SOME WE WIN . . . .


THE National Liberal Party would like to congratulate Brent Cheetham, our party candidate for the Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council (in Hertfordshire) who has been elected unopposed.

Cllr. Brent Cheetham

As we noted in our recent article May Elections – Send Them A Message! Brent is very well-known in Cuffley. He has been a thorn in the Parish Council’s side for many years and is well-known for his hard-hitting, yet very witty, letters published in the local Mercury newspaper.

As well as contributing to the letters page of the Mercury, he also edits the Cuffley Courier. This is a news and information sheet which is distributed free to residents. It’s probably best known for using humour as a political weapon against Parish Councillors, who, according to Brent live in “ivory towers cushioned from reality as most of them seem to have retired some time ago.”

He is very scathing of those Councillors who “have done their best to cut off the man or woman on the street from being involved with the running of the parish. They have not only built a fence between them and us but a dirty great brick wall topped with broken glass barbed wire and watch towers. It’s a dead leadership obsessed with Victorian values of class and the pecking order. Even to ask a question at council meetings is as tantamount to challenging their view of the world as they know best as they tell us what is good for us.”

Brent is also Vice Chairman of Keep Cuffley Rural. According to its web-site – keepcuffleyrural.com – it is a “SINGLE-ISSUE PRESSURE GROUP. We are totally NON-POLITICAL. We have one aim – we are opposed to the specific development of converting what was the Harvester into a Tesco Express store.”

Explaining their stand against multi-nationals, Keep Cuffley Rural claim that:

“Our villages’ mix of shops and services has served our local community well for many years and we do not want the tranquility of our village to change just to meet the sales growth target of any new multiple retailer. We hope you understand and like the name.”

We look forward with anticipation to Brent taking on what amounts to a Tory fiefdom. Now they have some real opposition for the first time in years!

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