Saturday, 7 September 2024

Support Local Shops & Businesses – New Leaflet Coming Soon!

MEMBERS and supporters of the National Liberal Party – Britain’s true centre party – should prepare themselves for the start of a long-term campaign in support of local shops and businesses. This campaign will build on the successful ‘Shop Local’ campaign that we run every Christmas.

The NLP is currently in the early stages of writing and designing new leaflets which’ll be made available soon.

The NLPs annual seasonal Support Local Shops campaign will soon be extended all year round!

It’s anticipated that one side of the leaflet may take the form of a mini-poster whilst the other will explain why communities need to support their local shops and businesses.

The new A5 glossy leaflet will be in the NLPs traditional political colours of black, orange and white.

Support for small local shops and businesses forms an integral part of the NLPs localist and distributist agenda. Keep your eyes peeled for further news in due course!

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