Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Shop Local This Easter! (2)

To get hold of a FREE pdf of the NLPs Shop Local This Easter leaflet, simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com

THE National Liberal Party is calling for everyone to Shop Local this Easter!

As we have noted many times, it is absolutely vital that local shops, small businesses and the self-employed not only survive, but actually prosper.

We believe that local shops are vital to the community. They provide good choice, reasonable prices and excellent customer services. They are the ‘glue’ that binds various communities together.

In our previous Shop Local This Easter! article, we suggested that “local shoppers” should stand in solidarity with their local shops, small businesses and the self-employed. Simply forget the multi-nationals and just spend an extra fiver in your local shop!”

We know that times are tough but we feel that everyone can put a fiver in the direction of their local shops. All you have to do is keep a fiver over from your ‘big shop’ and spend it locally.

Activists handing our 'Shop local at Easter' flyers to shops and shoppers whilst campaigning in Pinner

If you can’t afford £5, why not spend just £1 in your local shop? This can work two ways. Firstly, if you already use your local shop, just spend an extra £1 in it. Secondly, if you don’t usually do any shopping in your local shop, just drop in and buy something for £1.

We know that a couple of people doing this won’t make much of a difference, but imagine if 100 people spent £1 each in their local shop. That really would start to make an impact!

As we’ve said before in respect of local shops – use them or lose them!

You can also support your local shops, small businesses and the self-employed by simply following these four simple steps:

1. E-mail natliberal@aol.com and ask for FREE pdf copies of our This Easter … Put Local Shops FIRST! leaflet. Print a few out and distribute them around your area – and don’t forget to give your local shopkeeper a copy. Also, send the pdf of the leaflet to your friends, realtives and work colleagues and ask them to do the same.

2. Copy this article and put it on your Facebook page. Ask all of your Facebook friends to like and share it!

3. Copy the link to this article and put it on your Twitter account. Ask your followers to RT it.

4. Do exactly the same with our This Easter … Put Local Shops FIRST! e-poster which featured in our previous article here: http://nationalliberal.org/shop-local-this-easter-1
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