Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Shop Local This Easter! (1)


FOR OBVIOUS REASONS the National Liberal Party is putting a huge effort into its General Election campaign.  Indeed, regular readers will have already noticed an increased empthasis on the subjects of National and Political Self-Determination.

However, we’re still intent on promoting another of our core messages – and that is supporting local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.

So with Easter just around the corner, we’d like to remind everyone that they should Shop Local This Easter!

With this in mind, we’d like all members and supporters to help promote out the above Shop Local This Easter! e-poster.  To do this, simply copy the link to this brief article and viral it out via Social Media like Facebook and Twitter.

This is vitally important as all local shops are under threat.  High business rates, the recession, excessive red-tape and the growth of out-of-town superstores have forced many local shops to close down.

The NLP believes that local shops and facilities are really important – especially for the elderly, young mothers and those without cars.  For instance, they provide the setting for meeting neighbours and friends – thus providing the ‘glue’ that helps to maintain any community.

This Easter we’re asking local shoppers to stand in solidarity with their local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.  Simply forget the multi-nationals and just spend an extra fiver in your local shop!

A fiver less will never be noticed by the multi-nationals – but it’ll make all the difference to a corner shop.  Shop Local This Easter!

• KEEP your eyes peeled for our next Shop Local This Easter! article which’ll be coming soon.

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