Tuesday, 22 October 2024

NLP Plans For 2014 European Elections

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS are scheduled to take place in May of next year. The National Liberal Party hopes to stand a full slate of eight candidates in London.

Our candidates will be standing on a self-determinist ticket. We aim to link the right of Britain to determine its own future (without being dictated to by the EU) with the right of all nations – throughout the world – to exercise their right to self-determination. To reflect this ideal, the NLPs eight candidates would represent various Diaspora communities.

The issue of Britain’s role within (or out of) the EU is a self-determinist issue in itself – and hopefully it’ll be uppermost in the minds of London’s 7 million voters. The NLP will be able to use this period of heightened awareness to showcase various worldwide freedom struggles (including that of England – the only ‘home nation’ which still doesn’t have its own Parliament!)

The NLP has drawn up a plan to distribute around 3 million leaflets in London (which will be delivered FREE via post – this would normally cost around £500,000!) We feel that the distribution of leaflets on this scale probably represents the most cost effective way of promoting the ideal of ‘Self-Determination For All Of Our Nations!

As well as campaigning against the increasingly totalitarian nature of the EU, the NLP will also draw attention to the plight of various oppressed nations and peoples throughout the world. On top of this is the potential media publicity (such a self-determinist campaign has never been done before) and even votes – as there’s probably around one million people from ‘national’ Diasporas living in London.

We estimate that to run just a very basic campaign will cost in the region of £15,000. The next European elections are scheduled to take place between 22 and 25 May 2014 – so we really only have about a year to raise this money and start working on our campaign. Therefore, we’re appealing for donations – large or small – so that we can put the cause of self-determination before the electorate.

The National Liberal Party is not funded by Big Business or the Unions. Thus we rely on vital financial support from ordinary working folk. To this end, we’ve created a special Self-Determination Fighting Fund which will look after all donations sent specifically to fight these elections. You have our word that the NLP will not touch a penny of this money before the European elections.

If you wish to donate by cheque or Postal Order, please make any payment out to the NLP and post to SDFF, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ.

If you wish to pay via Pay Pal simply click the button below. Don’t forget to send an e-mail to natliberal@aol.com confirming that your donation is for the 2014 London European Elections

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