Thursday, 13 March 2025

New Self-Determination Video Released!
AT THE beginning of April we noted that the National Liberal Party’s Social Media team had released its first Euro-Election video. The YouTube video – Calling London To Support Self-Determination For Alldescribed self-determination as a basic human right. It also featured some of our candidates, drawn from the diverse spectrum of London’s communities who are actively engaged in self-determination struggles around the world.

Now we’ve released a second video, which introduces seven of the eight brave NLP candidates. The full party list comprises of:

Dr Yussef Anwar – Representing the Kurdish community

Bernard Dube – Representing the Matabelen community

Doris Jones – Representing the North Borneon community

Upkar Singh Rai – Representing the Sikh community

Jagdeesh Singh – Representing the peoples of the Indian subcontinent

Sockalingam Yogalingam  – Representing the Tamil community

Graham Williamson – Representing the English community

Araz Yurdseven – Representing the South Azerbaijani Turk community

(Graham Williamson will also be representing other European nations and regions and Bernard Dube will also be representing all African nations).

If you’re interested in the concept of Self-Determination you can help promote both our overall campaign and one (or more) of our eight candidates who’ll be running individual campaigns, representing their differing communities.

Remember our brave candidates are standing up for the rights of small nations and oppressed people’s through out the world. And they are doing this against the might of Empires, Super States and countless vested interests. They’re certainly not standing for vanity, glory, riches or honours – indeed, they’ve already pledged that any NLP MEP will donate a portion of their salary to ‘good causes’.

Here’s how YOU CAN HELP support the campaign:

• YOU CAN HELP our candidates promote the ideals of national freedom, social justice and direct democracy by making a donation to the NLPs European Election fighting fund. All donations will go towards helping our candidates and activists on the front line. To donate simply follow this link:

• YOU CAN HELP our candidates by voting for them in London on May 22. However, to do this you must be registered in order to vote. The deadline to register for this election is 6 May but anyone can get registered by going to

• YOU CAN HELP us viral our new YouTube Self-Determination video out using Social Media. Put it on your Facebook and/or YouTube page or promote it via Twitter. Also ask your friends, relatives and workmates to do the same. Here’s the link to the video:

• YOU CAN HELP us viral our first YouTube video as well using the same methods as above. Here it is:

• YOU CAN HELP support our campaign by subscribing to our Self-Determination Bulletin. Produced FREE on a weekly basis during the duration of the European-Election campaign, it will provide you with details on how to promote our campaign via social media. Issue 1 is available now so don’t delay! Simply e-mail:

YOU CAN HELP support and promote our campaign by following this Twitter feed @Self_Determ_Day Don’t forget to RT all of our Tweets!

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