Sunday, 22 December 2024

Nations without States
The second group to join the Liberty Wall is the pressure group Nations without States. As patriots National Liberals take the view that ‘what is right for me is right for you’ i.e. the concept of nationhood is universal and in an era of globalisation it needs protection and promotion as one solution to our political ills. A proud and recognised nation at ease with itself is far more likely to ensure internal and external peace than any ‘supra-national empire’.

The group aims to showcase the many suppressed nations and those groups that struggle to obtain recognition for their nation’s and/or some level of autonomy or independence i.e. the sacred principle of self-determination. It also hopes to help coordinate the representatives and groups amongst the various Diaspora’s in the West so that each cause will benefit from the experience, strength and contacts of each. Hopefully, each group can push their national cause that little bit further to their goals. Clink onto the link and join!

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