Sunday, 9 February 2025


Today we launch our new ‘Liberty Wall’. We intend to offer sympathetic campaigning groups and publications the opportunity to promote their ideas and organisation. Some of these will have been sponsored by the National Liberal Party, others will have been created independently. All however will have our broad support because they have a message to broadcast to the public that fits in with our worldview: patriotic, liberty loving and progressive.

The first group to be hosted is, appropriately on this day, the St. George’s Committee. This is a cultural body promoting an inclusive ‘Englishness’ through a celebration of history and cultural events. Unusually for most groups it does not seek to control local branches but to build a loose network of autonomous groups. Ultimately it is looking to help set up similar national Committees across the UK family of nations. As National Liberals we wholeheartedly support self-determination but see the differences between the nations in the UK as cultural rather than political. We see a celebration of a nation’s culture as positive and a unifying force for all those who live within them. Check them out by clicking on the banner!

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