Liberty & Nation on its way!
ABOUT a year ago, we announced that the National Liberal Party would be producing a street paper, Liberty & Nation. Despite it being delayed – due to other essential work – we’re glad to say that issue 1 will be out very soon!
Liberty & Nation will join Caledonian Voice, English Voice and the Isle of Wight Voice our growing arsenal of popular outreach material. (The NLP also produces an ideological magazine, New Horizon. To get hold of your FREE copy, simply click here: New Horizon No.2)
In due course we hope to produce other national, regional and local publications. Indeed, after Liberty & Nation, Kent Voice is scheduled to roll off of the NLPs production line.
Initially L&N will be available via e-mail. Hopefully, however, it’ll not be too long before it’ll be regularly available to leaflet with.
L&N will be produced in accordance with the National Liberal Party’s view that we should develop three distinct styles of newspaper, all aimed at different national ‘target’ groups. These styles (and target groups) would reflect the existing establishment media. Thus, we aim to produce ‘broadsheets’ aimed at readers of The Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph, andreaders of ‘red tops’ like the Star, Mirror and Sun. However, to kick off with, L&N will be aimed at readers of the Daily Mail and Daily Express.
Look out for further news about L&N in the very near future! In the meantime, why not pre-order your FREE pdf copy simply by e-mailing
Date: October 12, 2012
Categories: Articles, Party News