Malala – The Swat Valley Rebel
As National Liberals we have made our opposition to the UK’s involvement in US actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (via drones) quite clear. We don’t believe in using military force to change a government or a people’s culture. In any event its impact, apart from destruction, is limited and is usually consigned to the dustbin of history once the guns leave. However, we are not neutral in our cultural preferences. We believe in greater not less democracy (referendums and initiatives), greater civil liberties (for privacy and free expression) and the right for individuals to improve themselves through equality of opportunity. The recent shooting (although still alive) of a little girl in the Swat Valley of Pakistan (a Taliban stronghold) for having the temerity to choose her dress, her education and lifestyle reminds us what is, for us, acceptable and not. Our resident poet Jason reflects.
Malala – The Swat Valley Rebel
Date: October 14, 2012
Categories: Articles