DOES YOUR SEXUALITY automatically determine your politics? Are gay people predestined to be ‘liberal-leftist’ in orientation whilst straight people are automatically more ‘conservative’ in outlook?
Both the ‘left’ and ‘right’ seem to think so. For instance, the ‘left’ (particularly groups like the Socialist ‘Workers’ Party) seem to believe that they have the monopoly when it comes to supporting gay rights and attracting gay support.
On the other hand, many on the ‘right’ would automatically reject – without a moments thought – anything said by, or relating to, gays. Indeed, as we have seen, some folks in groups like the United Kingdom Independence Party have blamed the storms and heavy floods (which occurred across Britain earlier this year) on the Government’s decision to legalise gay marriage!
But have both ‘left’ and ‘right’ got it completely wrong? Is it possible that there is some form of ‘Third Way’ beyond their static positions? Indeed, is it possible to be both gay and patriotic?
This is a subject that South Derbyshire-based Liam Clarke will be exploring in issue 4 of New Horizon (NH).
NH is the ideological online magazine of the National Liberal Party. It exists to promote – and provoke – thought and debate. It looks at the ideological foundations of National Liberalism and also questions the various orthodoxies of both ‘left’ and ‘right.’
Issue 4 of NH is currently in the planning stages and is scheduled to appear later this year. Those interested in developing (and promoting) National Liberal thought are invited to submit articles and reviews for possible publication. For more information, simply e-mail
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