Saturday, 27 July 2024

Issue 2 Of Caledonian Voice Due Soon!

National Liberals are anti-EU but not anti-European. We advocate a Europe of free peoples and nations – not a Europe of bankers and super-rich elites!

ISSUE 2 of Caledonian Voice (CV2) should be out in a couple of weeks. The voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland will note that this year voters will face two historic elections. Late May sees the European elections. “Here we have to elect six Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to look after the interests of nearly four million voters in Scotland.” And in mid September, the Scottish Referendum will decide on whether or not Scotland should break away from the rest of the United Kingdom.

It’s probably no exaggeration to say that the votes cast in May and September will effectively determine Scotland’s destiny as a nation. Issue 1 of Caledonian Voice looked at the Scottish Referendum. CV2 will look at the forthcoming European elections and examine what our attitude – as National Liberals – should be to them.

It notes that National Liberals are not anti-European. However, we are very definitely anti-EU.” It describes the EU as increasingly totalitarian bureaucratic regime” that employs a form of central planning “very similar to that employed by the old Soviet Union.” CV2 is also highly critical of the EU policy of allowing the ‘free movement of capital and labour’ between EU member states.

Instead of a Europe of bankers and super-rich elites, CV2 calls for a Europe of free peoples and nations. It advocates – at the very least – a re-negotiation of our position in Europe with a focus on Scotland regaining control of its sovereignty, political powers and economy.”

To pre-order your FREE pdf copy, simply e-mail natliberal@aol and ask that issue 2 of Caledonian Voice is sent to you as soon as it is available!

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