EP elections – Self-Determination for All!
Let it be clear that the NLP’s intention in standing a list in London at the forthcoming European Parliamentary elections is to showcase the many self-determinist struggles around the globe and in Britain’s moral responsibility to put right a/their wrong. Of course statistically it is possible that one or even two candidates may be elected, but win or lose the mere fact of standing will be a victory!
It will also change the dynamics of the British politics in a number of ways.
Firstly, SD Diasporas will no longer be restricted to lobbying the establishment parties for the crumbs off their table but will highlight their growing electoral strength and thus a vote that can no longer be taken for granted, especially by those who don’t believe in self-determination.
Secondly, almost as an unintended consequence, many of these voters will be participating in our electoral system for the first time. They, and indeed other ‘minority’ communities, have up to now, beyond certain areas at certain times, avoided engaging in British state politics. The system, undeserving and corrupt as it is, should welcome an infusion of new blood.
It will certainly be an interesting as well as an historic campaign but don’t just be a spectator of history help make it with us too!
Date: January 28, 2014
Categories: Party News