ENGLISH GREEN views itself as a unique environmental group. We are neither left nor right wing in the traditional sense – indeed we feel that we transcend these out-of-date political positions. Neither do we see ourselves in the mould of the uber-Politically Correct Green Party.
We wish to build a whole world green movement of land and people. And we look forward to the day when we are working and co-operating with ‘other nation’ greens. We feel that to succeed we must adopt both a principled and pragmatic approach to life.
As such we shouldn’t be frightened to ask serious questions of both ourselves and other green organisations. Such questions must include why so many greens support mass immigration whilst ignoring the effect it has on the environment and/or refuse to address world population growth? Also why do so many ‘green’ folks who care about animals turn a blind eye to the horror of ritual slaughter?

Bad housing is one aspect of the modern world that we can do without
However, one question we have to ask ourselves is: are we truly against the modern world?
On the surface, the answer seems obvious. For much of what we oppose – urbanisation, the wholescale destruction of our land and the constant abuse of animals – are indeed manifestations of the modern world.
We would also view the American influence on global culture as very damaging (to England and the English too). One look at our high streets, which seem to be stuffed to bursting point with fast-food outlets such as KFC and McDonald’s – with the seemingly attendant rise in obesity – are other examples of what we dislike about the modern world.
It’s fair to say that English Green is opposed to crass materialism. We favour a move back to the land, organic growth and believe in a spiritual relationship between Mankind and environment. But we’re not advocating ‘turning back the clock’. Perhaps we have a different view of what the ‘modern world’ could be!
Indeed, is everything about the modern world absolutely rotten? For instance, we support non-polluting – and renewable – methods of generating energy. To achieve this dream we accept that modern technology has a part to play in the production and construction of solar panels, sleek wind turbines and wave power electrical generators.
Additionally, we wouldn’t be able to hold this debate on-line if it wasn’t for ‘modern world’ developments!
Therefore, our question for this debate is: Are We Truly Against The Modern World?
• CHECK out our previous English Green Debate (1) – How Do We Square The Circle? http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-%e2%80%93-english-green-debate-1-%e2%80%93-how-do-we-square-the-circle