Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Building Essex Voice

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has several key objectives. One of the most important is to build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, views, information and entertainment. So far we’ve produced a UK-wide publication – Liberty & Nation – two national publications – Caledonian Voice and English Voice – and several borough, city and county-based publications.

Although these publications have been produced on an irregular basis, they’ve always attracted a positive response. We’re well aware that we need to produce them on more regularly – and we desperately need to produce lots of ward-based publications. We hope to do this as & when we attract more activists.

In the meantime, we’d like to promote the circulation of our existing publications. One way of doing this is to reproduce the lead articles from them & then encourage NLP members and supporters to viral them out via Social Media. We’ve already done this with several publications (see list below) and this time it’s the turn of Essex Voice. Once it appears here it’ll also be reproduced on our National Liberals Facebook site – – and National Liberal Party Facebook site – In order to bring Essex Voice to a wider audience we’d appreciate it if you’d like & share our post on both Facebook sites


A Vision For Essex

To get your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Essex Voice simply e-mail

READERS of Essex Voice – EV – who have studied local history will know that Essex used to be the kingdom of the East Saxons. Sometimes referred to as the Kingdom of Essex, it was one of the seven traditional kingdoms of the Anglo Saxon Heptarchy. Essex and the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms – East Anglia, Kent, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex and Wessex – eventually unified into the Kingdom of England.

Founded in the 6th century, the Kingdom of Essex covered a vast territory – later occupied by the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex and (for a brief period in the 8th century) Kent. Although now vastly reduced in size, not many modern counties can boast that they once included the remains of two provincial Roman capitals: Colchester and London!

Essex has a rich and varied history and EV feels that our ancient flag, featuring three white seaxes (short Saxon swords) tends to illustrate this. Sadly, however, any mention or depiction of modern Essex is usually derogatory or stereotypical in nature.


So how do we promote a positive identity and vision for Essex? How do we promote a ‘localist’ agenda for Essex and how do we dispel the notion that we’re simply just the ‘dumping ground’ for London’s overspill? In addition, how do we fight this strange form of Essexphobia – where the establishment seems to portray any pride in Essex & its people in a wholly negative and derogatory manner.  We feel that – to some degree – this Essexphobia can be countered by some form of autonomy.  We feel that historic areas like ours should have more powers – indeed, we believe in decentralisation down to the lowest possible common denominator. But how can this be achieved? Essex Voice believes that part of the solution may be found in the establishment of an English Parliament.

However, before we even look in any depth at the idea of an English Parliament, we must first make a clear distinction between the English nation and the British state. We must also realise that Westminster is not an English Parliament. We know that it’s situated in London, the capital of our nation. However, in no way, shape or form does Westminster represent ordinary English working folks. Indeed, EV currently views Westminster (and the politicians who inhabit it) as merely the plaything of British representatives of globalism – a superrich elite without loyalty to any of the nations of these isles.


These globalists – as their description suggests – have no interest or loyalty to their nation or people. Thus they have no true feelings for England or its citizens. All they’re interested in is profit margins. Therefore, if folks in Essex – or anywhere else in England for that matter – won’t work for a pittance they’ll think nothing of shafting the workforce. They’ll do this either by exporting jobs or importing cheap foreign labour. Both methods throw ordinary working folks onto the scrapheap. In addition, the second method simply hastens a race to the bottom between indigenous and immigrant workers. It’s a race that can only end in recriminations.

One way of countering the actions of the British super-rich elite is the establishment of an English Parliament. However, it must be an English Parliament that really reflects the wishes, hopes, fears and desires of ordinary English folks. We have no desire to establish another debating chamber for ex-Public schoolboys.

Therefore, we’ll look at the call for the establishment of an English Parliament – and what it could mean for our county – in the next issue of Essex Voice.

• ALSO CHECK OUT the following:   

Building Our Media Infrastructure

Building Caledonian Voice

Build Caledonian Voice (2)

Building English Voice

Building The Isle Of Wight Voice

Building Kent Voice

Building Liberty & Nation

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